jeudi 25 juin 2009

Une visite

Deux petits rouges-gorges qui, comme chacun sait, adorent les macarons...

Two small robins which, as each knows, like macaroons very, very much...

7 commentaires:

Evelyne a dit…

bonsoir Brigitte, ils sont arrivés ce soir, et je les trouve magnifiques...un grand merci. A très bientôt.

susanna a dit…

These are so beautiful! You are a good painter. How did you come up with this idea?

Britt-Arnhild a dit…

What a lucky little bird :-)

swampgirl a dit…

hello bridget! thank you visitng my blog.

i am falling in love with your robin paintings. how delightful!

Bridget a dit…

@Evelyne:ravie qu'ils soient arrivés à bon port!A très bientôt!

@Susanna:Thank you vert much!! It has been a long time since I wanted to paint birds, (hens also!) I tried one in this small format and I thought that he made an attractive continuity with small cakes. May be your so poetic wings have inspired me unconsciously...

@Britt-Arnhild:we have to pay attention to our macarons now!!

@Hello Swampgirl!: Little robins are so charming little models!

annechovie a dit…

Your paintings are so charming, Bridget! Thank you for visiting me and for your kind comment.

fée un voeu a dit…

Quelle jolie idée d'associer ces petits oiseaux
à tes tableaux gourmands....

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