jeudi 23 avril 2009

Mosaïque de printemps

Mon APN refuse de faire le point, mes images sont désespérement floues!"Venez avec moi, je vais vous montrer les nouveaux modèles", me dit d'un air bizarre la personne du service réparation, ???? eh non, un APN, ça ne se répare pas ça se rachète???? Ah bon!

Donc, en attendant, contrairement au cher Duc d'Elbeuf qui fait du vieux avec du neuf, je me lance avec joie dans la mosaïque!

My camera refuses to review, my images are désespérement blured! " Come with me, I am going to show you the new models ", says to me with a weird eye the person of the service repair???? Eh no, repairing a camera seems impossible , you just have to buy a new one!
Thus, in the meantime, contrary to dear Duke d' Elbeuf who makes of the old man with the new, I dash with enjoyment into the mosaic! ( I'm not really sure about the Duc d'Elbeuf quote)

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8 commentaires:

Merisi a dit…

Oh, those digital cameras! ;-)

As soon as the warranty runs out, it is better to immediately buy a new one - calculating about 200 Euros for a good new one and 120 Euros for repair. In my experience, once they start having problems, there will be another and another and another one, never justifying the cost of repairs.

So at the end, the sales person may be right, pointing you to new models. If you are not into the creditcard-thin models, you can get really good value for the money and start with a new warranty. Good luck!

Bridget a dit…

@Thank you very much, Merisi,I didn't know, it was like that!!I'm going to follow your excellent advice, you perfectly know the subjet!Happy week-end to you!

Evelyne a dit…

Bonjour Bridget.
Merci pour le message. Dans vos tableaux je retrouve ce que j'aime le thé et les fleurs dans des couleurs pastels...toute ma nombreuse famille adore!!!Je vais bientôt avoir 50 ans ...une belle idée de cadeau!!!

Britt-Arnhild a dit…

Such beautiful drawings Bridget. And the mugs - oh, I love them.

Ulla a dit…

No matter the lens, your work is always pure perfection and totally delicious! I hope you resolve your frustration and find peace in a new solution...

Zoe a dit…

Hi Bridget! I just found your blog via Rose Hip. I LOVE your paintings. You are so very talented. I was wondering how you sell them? If they are in my price range I would love to buy one. :)

Di Overton a dit…

Oooh 4 for the price of 1

Bridget a dit…

@Merci Evelyne, je suis très flattée!

@Britt-Arnhild: I would like to possess that mug too!

@Hello Ulla!Thanks for dropping by! My resolution of frustratiion is on good way!

@Welcome Zoe and thank you! You can see the prices on the other address"bridget's gallery", on the right on the top of the page. The little paintings (12x12 cm) are 100€ and the tea time serie (22x16xcm) is 250€.

@Di: I have to choose my camera!

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